About ME
Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Adriana and I am so happy you are here! Perhaps you stumbled upon my site while in search of something; well, I can assure you that you are not alone. This site is inspired by my own quest for meaning, for purpose, for a deeper understanding of my own truth. My hope is to find community – other fellow travelers on the same pursuit for deeper meaning. I hope my story resonates with you.
My journey began with a knowing – a feeling deep within that started when I was very young. I knew there was something more to all the challenges, and all the joy, that we, as people, were faced with. It was a quiet whisper that told me we all have a purpose. It took many years to realize that this “purpose” was not necessarily a vocation; rather, how we show up in the world energetically. I found my purpose in being a wife, a sister, a daughter, a mother and eventually, as an entrepreneur.
In 2017, I spent 46 days with my mother who was slowly slipping away while on hospice. I had spent my life watching her light gradually dim until it was finally extinguished in a rather dramatic passing. Nothing puts life more into focus than death. Those final days with my mother, punctuated by witnessing her soul leave her body, did not leave me bitter or angry; rather, the experience inspired me. I was called to be still, to listen to that inner-knowing – that quiet whisper. Meditation became my retreat – my open forum with, dare I say, my highest self – with source? Regardless of semantics, my world seemed to crack wide open.
I began to see meaning in every relationship, in every experience and I began to feel twinges of resentment in being “busy”. I appreciated the stillness and my meditation became a practice – a priority in my life. I had always loved personal growth and development books, spiritual non-fiction books and any podcast that could enrich my life in some way. I sought out a coaching program where my husband and I became certified life coaches in 2021. Then I sought out energy healing and in 2023, I received my Level I and Level II Reiki training. The pandemic had swept me into the bustle of my real estate business but I was determined still to make a bigger impact – to be of service and connect with people in a different way.
In 2023, after fifteen years as a successful real estate agent, I decided to listen to that quiet voice within and begin my transition towards my “higher calling”. I decided to start by building a community of like-minded people. So if you are here and you feel those gentle nudges towards something more, welcome! Again, you are not alone!
Finding Truth Through Connection
My Mission
To connect deeply with others while holding space to help them get grounded, centered and awaken to their truth.
Certified Life Coach
Through guidance and connection, I hold space to allow people to tap into that part of themselves that can sometimes get lost in the busyness of life.

Meditation Teacher and Mentor
With a strong passion for helping others find inner peace, I can help people either get started with a meditation practice or perfect an existing practice.
The practice of Reiki can bring healing and peace to your mind, body and spirit.