Category: Meditation Tips
A Resolution Revolution
Hello and welcome to February! The month of January went far too fast, so I wish you all a belated Happy New Year! With a new year comes a clean slate, right? We make resolutions; we resolve to make improvements, to be better than last year, do more than the year before that, etcetera, etcetera.… Read more
My Humble Holiday Confession
Hello and Happy December! This month I would like to take a look under the hood of the holiday season and examine the “not-so-Hallmark” truth that may typically go undiscussed. The reality is this time of year can stir a variety of emotions from overwhelm and stress to joy and connection. So, what is it… Read more
Morals of a Story
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving week to those who celebrate. I appreciate you being here. This month I changed my mind on the topic more than once, hence the delayed delivery. Given the holiday of giving thanks, gratitude seemed to be an appropriate subject; however, I found myself rehashing overused terms and, as fond as I… Read more
Four Lessons at Fifty
At the end of this month, I will be turning fifty! Being raised with a fear of aging, turning fifty has been something I have worked to embrace (obviously or I wouldn’t be writing this!). As time goes by, I have been reflecting on my life and working to bring my values into focus. The… Read more
Putting Life in Perspective
Last month I wrote about change. Now, as the days get shorter, ironically, I find myself longing for things to just stay as they are; I like the longer days, the sun rising early, the warmer weather and the blue skies. The summer days are about to become a distant memory, and I find myself… Read more
A Personal Story About Change
Happy August and happy back-to-school for those of you with school-aged children! It seems like summer just started and in the blink of an eye, it will be the holidays (I’m sure that invoked audible groaning for some of you). Regardless of our feelings about the changing seasons, they change anyway. Change is inevitable and… Read more
Imposter Syndrome – My Humble Confession
Hello everyone, thank you for being here and for your continued support. Today I will be completely humble and share with you what has been happening behind the scenes. My hope is that by speaking my truth, it will inspire you, or at the very least, entertain you! The Confession… Since deciding to no longer… Read more
Is there a dark side to positivity?